William McDonough was recently in Cambridge to give a talk I was lucky enough to attend. His wish is to see industry move to a system where it mimics nature and recycles everything. He pointed out that it does not matter if we use dangerous chemicals in our products as long as they are all recycled. He seemed optimistic that people were becoming increasingly aware of the need to build the ability to recycle into a product right from the beginning. As an architect his speciality is earth roofs and he talked about his remarkable success with them. Having discussed earth roofs within the Cohousing movement for many years this was something close to my heart. |
Reviews say Ellen Hodgson's "The web of debt" carries a very important message about why the banks are in trouble and how to fix it. Judging from what she has published on the web this is probably true. |
"Swim with the sharks without being eaten alive"
has been compared with
to Win Friends and Influence People |
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